
About us


We started as a family business with roots dating back to 1925 in Donostia. Today, maintaining the nonconformist spirit with which we began and with the desire to export our legacy, we reinterpret enjoyment as a vital necessity. And we do it with our own personality, attentive to every detail and committed to the excellence of our service, moving forward with our sights always set on the future.


Being Donostia is our way of uniting our legacy with our future. Taking our roots and the way we are and bringing this (#DonostiaStyle) to each of our projects. Being Donostia is maintaining a pioneering, courageous spirit, with the ability to intelligently adapt to what is to come. Being Donostia is not losing the family vision and commitment of our beginnings.


Being detail is addressing service based on the pursuit of excellence in order to always leave a feeling of satisfaction. And doing, simply doing and nothing else, is not enough for us if we can do it better. Each person in the team, and each strategic or daily decision, is guided by the culture of excellence. Our goal: to give the best service – even more than what is expected of us – and to do so in an agreeable and friendly way.


Being enjoyment is making sure we offer spaces and moments that make our customers happy. We want to be that special dinner, a great night’s rest or that film that touches the soul. We want to create contexts and moments that entertain, excite and leave good memories. Because leisure is enjoyment, and we all deserve to enjoy things.


Being the future is evolving with society and continuing to grow. Because culture was and is our essence, because we have changed by being brave and we have known how to stay with our public by understanding their tastes.


Being Donostia is our way of uniting our legacy with our future. Taking our roots and the way we are and bringing this (#DonostiaStyle) to each of our projects. Being Donostia is maintaining a pioneering, courageous spirit, with the ability to intelligently adapt to what is to come. Being Donostia is not losing the family vision and commitment of our beginnings.


Being detail is addressing service based on the pursuit of excellence in order to always leave a feeling of satisfaction. And doing, simply doing and nothing else, is not enough for us if we can do it better. Each person in the team, and each strategic or daily decision, is guided by the culture of excellence. Our goal: to give the best service – even more than what is expected of us – and to do so in an agreeable and friendly way.


Being enjoyment is making sure we offer spaces and moments that make our customers happy. We want to be that special dinner, a great night’s rest or that film that touches the soul. We want to create contexts and moments that entertain, excite and leave good memories. Because leisure is enjoyment, and we all deserve to enjoy things.


Being the future is evolving with society and continuing to grow. Because culture was and is our essence, because we have changed by being brave and we have known how to stay with our public by understanding their tastes.

We manage effectively to obtain optimal results

At Sade we take enjoyment very seriously. That’s why we strive day by day to make this a growing and profitable business. And the numbers back us up.


200 employees

We create jobs.


94% satisfaction

Practically all our customers feel satisfied or very satisfied


35,8% share in Gipuzkoa

More than a third of the province’s viewers chose us in 2024

< 1925









Our commitment to culture and leisure goes back a long way. The Miramar theatre (1913), the Palacio de Bellas Artes (1914), the Príncipe theatre (1922) and the Trueba theatre (1923) were the platform on which the founding families built the company.



The formation
of the company

Sade (Sociedad Anónima Deportes y Espectáculos) was founded on 28 December 1925 as a result of the merger of the company Vicente Mendizábal e hijos with the company Príncipe Films. The first contributed its cinemas and the second its cinemas and Basque pelota courts (Donostia, Bilbao, Madrid and Zaragoza).



Early years

Since its foundation, Sade has been at the centre of San Sebastian’s film culture and is currently the only film exhibitor in the city. Over the years, cinemas such as Miramar, Príncipe, Petit Casino, Trueba, Bellas Artes and Astoria have joined the company, representing a total of more than 6,000 seats.



The expansion
of the cinema business

In 1981, the first multiplex cinema in the city was opened: Petit Casino. The opening of this three-screen cinema was followed by the refurbishment of the Astoria, which increased its options by offering 7 screens. Then came the Madrid and Príncipe cinemas in the 1990s, and the Antiguo Berri in 2005. The offer was completed in 2012 with the 7 Infantes cinema.



Zinema7 Hotel

The first Sade hotel, the Zinema7 Hotel (called Astoria7 at that time in honour of the Astoria Cinemas), was opened on 1 April 2009. This is a unique and innovative hotel dedicated to the world of cinema, and more specifically to the San Sebastian International Film Festival.



Lasala Plaza Hotel

The summer of 2018 saw the arrival of the Lasala Plaza Hotel and La Jarana Taberna. This luxury hotel pays homage to the tradition and seafaring culture of Donostia and represents the recovery of a historic building in the city facing the port. It is a hotel that very quickly became a point of reference for the city.



Hotel Palacio Bellas Artes

The emblematic Palacio de Bellas Artes is being transformed into a new proposal for accommodation, commerce and leisure open to the city. With opening scheduled for 2026 and with the help of the prestigious Curio Collection by Hilton, we are bringing this iconic cinema into the 21st century.


< 1925

Our commitment to culture and leisure goes back a long way. The Miramar theatre (1913), the Palacio de Bellas Artes (1914), the Príncipe theatre (1922) and the Trueba theatre (1923) were the platform on which the founding families built the company.


The formation
of the company

Sade (Sociedad Anónima Deportes y Espectáculos) was founded on 28 December 1925 as a result of the merger of the company Vicente Mendizábal e hijos with the company Príncipe Films. The first contributed its cinemas and the second its cinemas and Basque pelota courts (Donostia, Bilbao, Madrid and Zaragoza).


Early years

Since its foundation, Sade has been at the centre of San Sebastian’s film culture and is currently the only film exhibitor in the city. Over the years, cinemas such as Miramar, Príncipe, Petit Casino, Trueba, Bellas Artes and Astoria have joined the company, representing a total of more than 6,000 seats.


The expansion
of the cinema business

In 1981, the first multiplex cinema in the city was opened: Petit Casino. The opening of this three-screen cinema was followed by the refurbishment of the Astoria, which increased its options by offering 7 screens. Then came the Madrid and Príncipe cinemas in the 1990s, and the Antiguo Berri in 2005. The offer was completed in 2012 with the 7 Infantes cinema.


Zinema7 Hotel

The first Sade hotel, the Zinema7 Hotel (called Astoria7 at that time in honour of the Astoria Cinemas), was opened on 1 April 2009. This is a unique and innovative hotel dedicated to the world of cinema, and more specifically to the San Sebastian International Film Festival.


Lasala Plaza Hotel

The summer of 2018 saw the arrival of the Lasala Plaza Hotel and La Jarana Taberna. This luxury hotel pays homage to the tradition and seafaring culture of Donostia and represents the recovery of a historic building in the city facing the port. It is a hotel that very quickly became a point of reference for the city.


Hotel Palacio Bellas Artes

The emblematic Palacio de Bellas Artes is being transformed into a new proposal for accommodation, commerce and leisure open to the city. With opening scheduled for 2026 and with the help of the prestigious Curio Collection by Hilton, we are bringing this iconic cinema into the 21st century.

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